Video Lectures

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The importance of analyzing big data and in particular very large networks has shown that the traditional notion of a fast algorithm, one that runs in polynomial time, is often insufficient. This is where property testing comes in, whose goal is to...

A random planar map is a canonical model for a discrete random surface which is studied in probability theory, combinatorics, mathematical physics, and geometry. Liouville quantum gravity is a canonical model for a random 2D Riemannian manifold with...

In this talk I will describe a topological approach to some problems about algebraic functions due to Klein and Hilbert. As a sample application of these methods, I will explain the solution to the following problem of Felix Klein: Let $\Phi_{g,n}$...

Given a polynomial in one variable, what is the simplest formula for the roots in terms of the coefficients? Hilbert conjectured that for polynomials of degree 6,7 and 8, any formula must involve functions of at least 2, 3 and 4 variables...