The Poisson boundary is a measure theoretic object which
classifies both the space of possible asymptotic events of a random
walk and the space of bounded harmonic functions. For most
identifications so far a moment condition has proved crucial.
A random walk on a hyperbolic group G will converge almost
surely to the boundary, defining a stationary measure at infinity.
When G is a cocompact fuchsian group, this boundary is the circle,
and when the random walk is finitely supported it is...
Based on the exotic Lagrangian tori constructed in CP2
by Vianna and Galkin-Mikhalkin, we construct for each Markov
triple three monotone Lagrangian tori in the 4-ball, and for
triples with distinct entries show that these tori lie in
The outer automorphism group of the free group Out(F_r) acts as
the isometry group on the deformation space of weighted graphs,
Culler-Vogtmann Outer space CV_r. The train track theory of
Bestvina-Feighn-Handel bridges studying topological...