Higher Eisenstein elements in weight 2 and prime level

Abstract: In his classical work, Mazur considers the Eisenstein ideal I of the Hecke algebra T acting on cusp forms of weight 2 and level Γ0(N) where N is prime. When p is an Eisenstein prime, i.e. p divides the numerator of N112, denote by T the completion of T at the maximal ideal generated by I and p. This is a Zp-algebra of finite rank gp1 as a Zp-module. Mazur asked what can be said about gp. Merel was the first to study gp. Assume for simplicity that p5. Let log:(Z/NZ)×Fp be a surjective morphism. Then Merel proved that gp2 if and only if N12k=1klog(k)0 (modulo p). We prove that we have gp3 if and only if N12k=1klog(k)N12k=1klog(k)20 (modulo p). We also give a more complicated criterion to know when gp4. Moreover, we prove higher Eichler formulas. More precisely, let H(X)=N12k=0(N12k)2XkFN[X] be the classical Hasse polynomial. It is well-known that the roots of H are simple and in F×N2. Let L be this set of roots. We prove that λLlog(H(λ))4N12k=1klog(k) (modulo p) and, if gp2, λLlog(H(λ))24N12k=1klog(k)2 (modulo p) .

