School of Mathematics

We prove this bound by first using the unitary Ichino-Ikeda formula of N. Harris to relate the central L-value to an automorphic period integral.  There is a `trivial' bound for this integral, which turns out to correspond to the convexity bound for...

Zeros of L-functions have been extensively studied, due to their close connection to arithmetic problems. Despite several precise conjectures about their behavior, our unconditional understanding of them remains limited. In this talk we will discuss...

Several classical results in Ramsey theory (including famous theorems of Schur, van der Waerden, Rado) deal with finding monochromatic linear patterns in two-colourings of the integers.  Our topic will be quantitative extensions of such results.  A...

In this lecture I will present basic elements of the theory of nonlocal games from quantum information theory and give some examples. I will then introduce the idea of "compressing" the complexity of nonlocal games, and show how the right form of...