Members Seminar

I'll review recent progress on properties of 3-manifold groups, especially following from geometric properties. Then I'll discuss some open questions regarding 3-manifold groups, including their profinite completions, torsion in covers, orderability...

Extending the Prym map

Samuel Grushevsky
The Torelli map associates to a genus g curve its Jacobian - a $g$-dimensional principally polarized abelian variety. It turns out, by the works of Mumford and Namikawa in the 1970s (resp. Alexeev and Brunyate in 2010s), that the Torelli map extends...
Ball quotients are complex manifolds appearing in many different settings: algebraic geometry, hyperbolic geometry, group theory and number theory. I will describe various results and conjectures on them.
The study of Cayley graphs of finite groups is related to the investigation of pseudo-random graphs and to problems in Combinatorial Number Theory, Geometry and Information Theory. I will discuss this topic, describing the motivation and focusing on...