Joint IAS/PU Number Theory

Sato-Tate Distributions in Genus 2

Andrew Sutherland

For an abelian surface A over a number field k, we study the limiting distribution of the normalized Euler factors of the L-function of A. Under the generalized Sato-Tate conjecture, this is equal to the distribution of characteristic...

Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Noise

Leonid Polterovich

We discuss a quantum counterpart, in the sense of the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, of certain constraints on Poisson brackets coming from "hard" symplectic geometry. It turns out that they can be interpreted in terms of the quantum noise of...

For GL(2) over Q_p, the p-adic Langlands correspondence is available in its full glory, and has had astounding applications to Fontaine-Mazur, for instance. In higher rank, not much is known. Breuil and Schneider put forward a conjecture, which...