Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar

In this talk, I will state a conjecture giving a formula for the Lagrangian capacity of a convex or concave toric domain. First, I will explain a proof of the conjecture in the case where the toric domain is convex and 4-dimensional, using the Gutt...

In this talk, I want to show that in the planar circular restricted three body problem there are infinitely many symmetric consecutive collision orbits for all energies below the first critical energy value.  By using the Levi-Civita regularization...

Polyhedral Liouville domains

Marco Castronovo

I will explain the construction of a new class of Liouville domains that live in a complex torus of arbitrary dimension, whose boundary dynamics encodes information about the singularities of a toric compactification. The primary motivation for this...