Joint IAS-PU Symplectic Geometry Seminar

After recalling some recent developments in symplectic flexibility, I will introduce a class of open symplectic manifolds, called "subflexible", which are not flexible but become so after attaching some Weinstein handles. For example, the standard...
I will describe a formalism for (Lagrangian) Floer theory wherein the output is not a deformation of the cohomology ring, but of the Pontryagin algebra of based loops, or of the analogous algebra of based discs (with boundary on the Lagrangian). I...

Disc filling and connected sum

Kai Zehmisch
In my talk I will report on recent work with Hansjörg Geiges about a strong connection between the topology of a contact manifold and the existence of contractible periodic Reeb orbits. Namely, if the contact manifold appears as non-trivial contact...
To begin we will recall Banyaga's Hofer-like metric on the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms, and explain its conjugation invariance up to a factor. From there we will prove the positivity of the symplectic displacement energy of open subsets in...