Joint IAS-PU Symplectic Geometry Seminar

In this talk, we first introduce the notion of a continuous cover of a manifold parametrised by any compact manifold endowed with a mass 1 volume-form. We prove that any such cover admits a partition of unity where the usual sum is replaced by...

The gauged symplectic sigma-model

Constantin Teleman
I will recall the construction of the space of states in a gauged topological A-model. Conjecturally, this gives the quantum cohomology of Fano symplectic quotients: in the toric case, this is Batyrev’s presentation of quantum cohomology of toric...
Let $n > 1$. Given two maps of an $n$-dimensional sphere into Euclidean $2n$-space with disjoint images, there is a $\mathbb Z/2$ valued linking number given by the homotopy class of the corresponding Gauss map. We prove, under some restrictions on...