Joint IAS-PU Symplectic Geometry Seminar

Open Quantum Kirwan Map

Guangbo Xu

(Joint work with Chris Woodward) Consider a Lagrangian submanifold $\bar L$ in a GIT quotient $\bar X = X//G$. Besides the usual Fukaya $A_\infty$ algebra $Fuk(\bar L)$ defined by counting holomorphic disks, another version, called the quasimap...

Ribbon graphs capture the topology of open Riemann surfaces in an elementary combinatorial form. One can hope this is the first step toward a general theory for open symplectic manifolds such as Stein manifolds. We will discuss progress toward such...

Inspired by homological mirror symmetry for non-compact manifolds, one wonders what functorial properties wrapped Fukaya categories have as mirror to those for the derived categories of the mirror varieties, and also whether homological mirror...