Friends of the Institute

Enabling Conceptions of Justice and the Democratic Necessity of Insurgency Using the work of Iris Young, Amartya Sen, and John Dewey, along with the empirical case of the contemporary Movement for Black Lives, Deva Woodly, Member (2012–13) and...

Politics is not merely a series of policy battles, but an ongoing struggle for the primacy of our favored understandings about both how the world is and how it ought to be. For a social movement to be successful, it must win discrete policy battles, but, more importantly, re-write the political field in its own favor. Social movements achieve lasting success not primarily through pursuing political changes, but by changing politics itself.

Despite all the charms of Downton Abbey, real-life aristocrats played a much darker role in the 1930s. With the British empire under threat and Bolshevism on the rise, many decided to support authoritarian and fascist regimes. Aristocratic women in...