Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (CSDM)

Several classical results in Ramsey theory (including famous theorems of Schur, van der Waerden, Rado) deal with finding monochromatic linear patterns in two-colourings of the integers.  Our topic will be quantitative extensions of such results.  A...

A predicate P:Σk→0,1 is said to be linearly embeddable if the set of assignments satisfying it can be embedded in an Abelian group.


In this talk, we will present this notion and mention problems it relates to from various areas. These areas...

Suppose you have a set S of integers from {1 , 2 , … , N} that contains at least N / C elements. Then for large enough N , must S contain three equally spaced numbers (i.e., a 3-term arithmetic progression)?


In 1953, Roth showed that this is...

In the minimum cost set cover problem, a set system is given as input, and the goal is to find a collection of sets with minimum cost whose union covers the universe. This NP-hard problem has long been known to admit logarithmic approximations...