Why Should I Care About Title IX?

All educational institutions that receive Federal funding must comply with Title IX and a suite of Federal related laws. Fundamental to our success to comply with this legislation – and create a safe work environment for all members of the Institute community – is our ability to recognize and respond to possible violations using the mechanisms set forth in the Institute's Title IX policy. This training will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to do just that.

Throughout the training, and, later, in any instances in which you suspect a Title IX violation may have occurred, it is critically important to keep in mind a handful of facts.

  1. The Federal government has left the specification of Title IX compliance procedures largely at the discretion of the institutions that must comply. Once a policy is articulated, however, it becomes the standard by which the appropriateness of any forthcoming Title IX-related responses are judged; hence, strict adherence to the Institute’s Title IX policy is critically important.
  2. The Institute’s Title IX policy applies to all individuals with an Institute affiliation, no matter how fleeting. Visiting scholars, vendors, and conference attendees, for example, are all subject to our Title IX policy.
  3. Interpretations of the law have cast a wide net regarding what types of incidents constitute violations of Title IX. If in doubt, ask the Institute’s Title IX coordinator for guidance.
  4. Involvement of external law enforcement agencies does not absolve the Institute of its responsibility to follow the procedures outlined in our Title IX policy.
  5. Title IX violations appear in the news frequently and it only takes one high-profile incident to cause severe reputational damage to an institution.

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