Archive of IAS Physics Group Meetings


Physics Group Meeting

Multi-Lepton Signals of the Higgs Boson
1:30pm|Bloomberg Hall Physics Library
I'll evaluate the possibility of searching for the Higgs boson in channels with multiple non-resonant leptons in light of recent advances in multi-lepton search techniques at the LHC. The total multi-lepton Higgs signal exceeds the four lepton gold...

Physics Group Meeting

All Possible Symmetries of CFTs
Alexander Zhiboedov
1:30pm|Bloomberg Hall Physics Library
We consider unitary Conformal Field Theory in dimensions D higher than two with a finite central charge. We assume that CFT contains conserved current of spin higher than two. We analyze the consequences of this fact. We focus on the case of D=3 and...

Physics Group Meeting

The Story of the Antipode
1:30pm|Bloomberg Hall Physics Library
In this talk I will attempt to answer a simple question, "why do polylogs appear in loop level scattering amplitudes?". There will be an interesting twist as we will find not a single answer, but two. One will be based on an analysis of branch...