Princeton University Special Simons Cosmology Collaboration Seminar

Holography, TCC, and the Distance Conjecture

Abstract: One of the unique features of quantum gravity is the lack of local observables and completeness of boundary observables (e.g. S-matrix in flat space or CFT correlators in AdS). I will show that the existence of such boundary observables is non-trivial and is equivalent to TCC in scalar field cosmologies. Moreover, it is deeply connected to the  Distance Conjecture. These results connect some of the most phenomenologically interesting Swampland conjectures to a fundamental principle of quantum gravity, i.e. holography. 

Date & Time

November 09, 2022 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm


Princeton University, Jadwin Hall, Princeton Gravity Initiative, 4th Floor


Alek Bedroya


Harvard University