The existence of dark matter is strongly supported by an
abundance of astrophysical and cosmological evidence, but has yet
to be directly detected. Liquid Xe detectors have been a game
changer in the field of dark matter detection, bringing
Observations by Magnetospheric Multiscale have demonstrated that
magnetic reconnection occurs at Earth's bow shock, typically at
thin current sheets arising from plasma instabilities and
turbulence in the shock transition region. In this talk, we...
Gravity-only simulations have been crucial for predicting the
matter power spectrum, but they assume baryons have little
influence on large-scale structure formation—a notion that has been
proven incorrect. With upcoming surveys like LSST and the...
Abstract: We use asymptotic symmetry arguments
to show that the only physical states in QED scattering theory are
maximally entangled states, in which electron (or positron) momenta
at timelike infinity are entangled with soft radiation with
Pulsar timing array experiments around the world have reported
evidence of a stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) at
nanohertz frequencies. This background is thought to be sourced by
a cosmic population of supermassive black hole binaries...