Princeton University Astrophysical Sciences 2023 Spitzer Lecturer

The Fastest Stellar Explosions (are really stellar explosions?)

Fast and Blue Optical Transients (FBOTs) emerged in the past decade as a new class of astronomical transients. With extremely rapid time scales of evolution and luminous emission, FBOTs likely probe the extremes of the explosion parameters and/or stellar progenitor properties, and are hard to reconcile within the traditional supernova models. Alternative scenarios include strong shock interaction with a dense medium, or the presence of a central engine (e.g. BH or magnetar formed by the explosion, or a pre-existent BH).

Date & Time

May 09, 2023 | 3:30pm – 4:30pm


Peyton Hall, Peyton Auditorium


Raffaella Margutti


University of California, Berkeley