Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Colloquium

Plasma Turbulence Studies in a Laboratory Wind Tunnel

Studying turbulence is an integral component of understanding plasma behavior from fusion devices to interstellar space. While much work has been done studying turbulence in laboratory fusion settings, less has been attempted in the laboratory for turbulence associated with space, such as the solar wind. The Bryn Mawr Experiment (BMX) at the Bryn Mawr Plasma Laboratory (BMPL) has been designed as a plasma wind-tunnel to explore the characteristics and dynamics of turbulent magnetized plasma without a strong background field, better mimicking the boundary conditions found in space. This talk will give an overview of the development of this approach and the most recent results from BMPL on measurements of dissipation scales and broadband magnetic fluctuation spectra. 

Date & Time

May 04, 2022 | 4:00pm – 5:15pm


Virtual Meeting


David Schaffner


Bryn Mawr College