Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Colloquium

Let’s Go – Fusion Energy is More than a Dream!

There is a running perception among nuclear experts and physicists that nuclear fusion is 20 years away; always has been, and always will be. Greg Piefer understands the challenge of mastering nuclear fusion as a sustainable, clean energy source. While working on his doctorate, Greg explored several benefits of nuclear fusion, inclusive of creating value in the near-term. Greg believed mastering fusion applications could pave a linear path to the end goal of fusion energy, all while creating tremendous social and economic value along the way. He created Phoenix, subsequently SHINE Technologies, to build the technology, human capital, and economic engine needed to fuel each step in the plan. He’s proving out his vision and is steadily progressing toward the end game, clean fusion energy. Join us for a lively discussion with a brilliant nuclear physicist turned CEO, and hear first-hand how he’s put science to work in a promising business journey.

Date & Time

March 23, 2022 | 4:00pm – 5:15pm


Virtual Meeting


Greg Piefer


SHINE Technologies, Founder and CEO