Princeton Center for Heliophysics Seminar

Intermittency and electron heating in kinetic-Alfv\'en-wave turbulence

We report analytical and numerical investigations of sub-ion-scale turbulence in low-beta plasmas, focusing on the spectral properties of the fluctuations and electron heating. In the isothermal limit, the numerical results strongly support a description of the turbulence as a critically-balanced Kolmogorov-like cascade of kinetic Alfv\'en wave fluctuations, as amended by Boldyrev & Perez (Astrophys. J. Lett. 758, L44 (2012)) to include intermittent effects. When the constraint of isothermality is removed (i.e., with the inclusion of electron kinetic physics), the energy spectrum is found to steepen due to electron Landau damping, which is enabled by the local weakening of advective nonlinearities around current sheets, and yields significant energy dissipation via a velocity-space cascade. The use of a Hermite-polynomial representation to express the velocity-space dependence of the electron distribution function allows us to obtain an analytical, lowest-order solution for the Hermite moments of the distribution, which is borne out by numerical simulations.

Date & Time

December 05, 2022 | 3:00pm – 4:00pm


Virtual Meeting


The Institute for Advanced Study