calendar dates

Physics Calendar

The Physics calendar contains High Energy Theory events hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University. A condensed version of the calendar is sent to the general Physics mailing list on Friday afternoons. Reminder emails are sent the morning of the event. If you are a local faculty member, postdoc or graduate student and would like to be added to the general Physics mailing list, please contact Lisa Fleischer,


Combinatorics of Fundamental Physics Workshop

Organizers: Nima Arkani-Hamed, June Huh, Thomas Lam, and Bernd Sturmfels

This event aims to foster collaboration between mathematicians and physicists. The focus will be on the intersection of combinatorial geometry and fundamental physics, covering...


Princeton University Donald R. Hamilton Colloquium Series

The Quantum Twisting Microscope: Visualizing Waves in Quantum Matter
Shahal Ilani
4:00pm|Jadwin Hall A-10

Abstract: Some of the most fascinating phenomena in nature arise when electrons behave as quantum mechanical waves that interact with one another. But how can we visualize these electronic waves in action? In this talk, I will introduce the Quantum...


Combinatorics of Fundamental Physics Workshop

Organizers: Nima Arkani-Hamed, June Huh, Thomas Lam, and Bernd Sturmfels

This event aims to foster collaboration between mathematicians and physicists. The focus will be on the intersection of combinatorial geometry and fundamental physics, covering...


IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

The Path to an Energy Frontier Muon Collider
Mark Palmer
2:30pm|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS) & Zoom

Abstract: Muon colliders offer a unique path to multi-TeV, high-luminosity lepton collisions. Muon collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 10 TeV or above would offer significant discovery potential where the constituent collision energies exceed...