Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Discussion

Constraining primordial non-gaussianities with weak lensing surveys

We are in an era where widefield galaxy surveys cover more than half the sky, and have nearly perfect overlap with many other surveys. While these datasets were designed for probing the late Universe, they can also be used to study primordial physics. I will show how weak lensing measurements can probe the particle physics of inflation in novel ways, providing constraints that are both competitive and complementary to those from other probes. I will then describe our efforts in extending these analyses to a broader class of models, namely Cosmological Colliders, and the constraints we can expect from weak lensing. I will also briefly highlight how these signatures manifest on even smaller scales --- such as those of dwarf galaxies and stellar streams --- with the potential to enable constraints in a new regime.

Date & Time

November 11, 2024 | 12:30pm – 1:30pm


Peyton Hall, Grand Central or Zoom


Dhayaa Anbajagane, University of Chicago