Past Member

Erika Simon


Historical Studies

From the American Philosophical Society:

...From 1953-59 she was an assistant at Mainz University, and from 1959-63 she was a Docent at Heidelberg University. She had a visiting position from 1961-62 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. From 1964-94 she was Professor of Classical Archaeology at Würzburg University and Director of the Antiquities in Martin-von-Wagner Museum. She has been professor emerita since 1994. Dr. Simon is the author of Die Götter der Griechen (1969); Das antike Theater (1972); Pergamon und Hesiod (1975); Festivals of Attica, An Archaeological Commentary (1983); Die konstantinischen Deckengemälde in Trier (1986); Die Götter der Römer (1990); and Ausgewahlte Schriften I/II (1998)…

American Philosophical Society, "Erika Simon" (2002)

Dates at IAS

School of Historical Studies




Member Heidelberger Ak d W