Piet Hut: listing for N-body starter code

A Starter Code for N-body Simulations: code listing

// Time-stamp: <2002-01-18 21:51:36 piet>
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/* o // :. _\|/_ / :........: |
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* nbody_sh1.C: an N-body integrator with a shared but variable time step
* (the same for all particles but changing in time), using
* the Hermite integration scheme.
* ref.: Hut, P., Makino, J. & McMillan, S., 1995,
* Astrophysical Journal Letters 443, L93-L96.
* note: in this first version, all functions are included in one file,
* without any use of a special library or header files.
* usage: nbody_sh1 [-h (for help)] [-d step_size_control_parameter]
* [-e diagnostics_interval] [-o output_interval]
* [-t total_duration] [-i (start output at t = 0)]
* [-x (extra debugging diagnostics)]
* "step_size_control_parameter" is a coefficient determining the
* the size of the shared but variable time step for all particles
* "diagnostics_interval" is the time between output of diagnostics,
* in the form of kinetic, potential, and total energy; with the
* -x option, a dump of the internal particle data is made as well
* "output_interval" is the time between successive snapshot outputs
* "total_duration" is the integration time, until the program stops
* Input and output are written from the standard i/o streams. Since
* all options have sensible defaults, the simplest way to run the code
* is by only specifying the i/o files for the N-body snapshots:
* nbody_sh1 < data.in > data.out
* The diagnostics information will then appear on the screen.
* To capture the diagnostics information in a file, capture the
* standard error stream as follows:
* (nbody_sh1 < data.in > data.out) >& data.err
* Note: if any of the times specified in the -e, -o, or -t options are not an
* an integer multiple of "step", output will occur slightly later than
* predicted, after a full time step has been taken. And even if they
* are integer multiples, round-off error may induce one extra step.
* External data format:
* The program expects input of a single snapshot of an N-body system,
* in the following format: the number of particles in the snapshot n;
* the time t; mass mi, position ri and velocity vi for each particle i,
* with position and velocity given through their three Cartesian
* coordinates, divided over separate lines as follows:
* n
* t
* m1 r1_x r1_y r1_z v1_x v1_y v1_z
* m2 r2_x r2_y r2_z v2_x v2_y v2_z
* ...
* mn rn_x rn_y rn_z vn_x vn_y vn_z
* Output of each snapshot is written according to the same format.
* Internal data format:
* The data for an N-body system is stored internally as a 1-dimensional
* array for the masses, and 2-dimensional arrays for the positions,
* velocities, accelerations and jerks of all particles.
* version 1: Jan 2002 Piet Hut, Jun Makino

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // to include sqrt(), etc.
#include <cstdlib> // for atoi() and atof()
#include <unistd.h> // for getopt()
using namespace std;

typedef double real; // "real" as a general name for the
// standard floating-point data type

const int NDIM = 3; // number of spatial dimensions

void correct_step(real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
const real acc[][NDIM], const real jerk[][NDIM],
const real old_pos[][NDIM], const real old_vel[][NDIM],
const real old_acc[][NDIM], const real old_jerk[][NDIM],
int n, real dt);
void evolve(const real mass[], real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
int n, real & t, real dt_param, real dt_dia, real dt_out,
real dt_tot, bool init_out, bool x_flag);
void evolve_step(const real mass[], real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
real acc[][NDIM], real jerk[][NDIM], int n, real & t,
real dt, real & epot, real & coll_time);
void get_acc_jerk_pot_coll(const real mass[], const real pos[][NDIM],
const real vel[][NDIM], real acc[][NDIM],
real jerk[][NDIM], int n, real & epot,
real & coll_time);
void get_snapshot(real mass[], real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM], int n);
void predict_step(real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
const real acc[][NDIM], const real jerk[][NDIM],
int n, real dt);
void put_snapshot(const real mass[], const real pos[][NDIM],
const real vel[][NDIM], int n, real t);
bool read_options(int argc, char *argv[], real & dt_param, real & dt_dia,
real & dt_out, real & dt_tot, bool & i_flag, bool & x_flag);
void write_diagnostics(const real mass[], const real pos[][NDIM],
const real vel[][NDIM], const real acc[][NDIM],
const real jerk[][NDIM], int n, real t, real epot,
int nsteps, real & einit, bool init_flag,
bool x_flag);

* main -- reads option values, reads a snapshot, and launches the
* integrator

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
real dt_param = 0.03; // control parameter to determine time step size
real dt_dia = 1; // time interval between diagnostics output
real dt_out = 1; // time interval between output of snapshots
real dt_tot = 10; // duration of the integration
bool init_out = false; // if true: snapshot output with start at t = 0
// with an echo of the input snapshot
bool x_flag = false; // if true: extra debugging diagnostics output

if (! read_options(argc, argv, dt_param, dt_dia, dt_out, dt_tot, init_out,
return 1; // halt criterion detected by read_options()

int n; // N, number of particles in the N-body system
cin >> n;

real t; // time
cin >> t;

real * mass = new real[n]; // masses for all particles
real (* pos)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM]; // positions for all particles
real (* vel)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM]; // velocities for all particles

get_snapshot(mass, pos, vel, n);

evolve(mass, pos, vel, n, t, dt_param, dt_dia, dt_out, dt_tot, init_out,

delete[] mass;
delete[] pos;
delete[] vel;

* read_options -- reads the command line options, and implements them.
* note: when the help option -h is invoked, the return value is set to false,
* to prevent further execution of the main program; similarly, if an
* unknown option is used, the return value is set to false.

bool read_options(int argc, char *argv[], real & dt_param, real & dt_dia,
real & dt_out, real & dt_tot, bool & i_flag, bool & x_flag)
int c;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hd:e:o:t:ix")) != -1)
case 'h': cerr << "usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [-h (for help)]"
<< " [-d step_size_control_parameter]\n"
<< " [-e diagnostics_interval]"
<< " [-o output_interval]\n"
<< " [-t total_duration]"
<< " [-i (start output at t = 0)]\n"
<< " [-x (extra debugging diagnostics)]"
<< endl;
return false; // execution should stop after help
case 'd': dt_param = atof(optarg);
case 'e': dt_dia = atof(optarg);
case 'i': i_flag = true;
case 'o': dt_out = atof(optarg);
case 't': dt_tot = atof(optarg);
case 'x': x_flag = true;
case '?': cerr << "usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [-h (for help)]"
<< " [-d step_size_control_parameter]\n"
<< " [-e diagnostics_interval]"
<< " [-o output_interval]\n"
<< " [-t total_duration]"
<< " [-i (start output at t = 0)]\n"
<< " [-x (extra debugging diagnostics)]"
<< endl;
return false; // execution should stop after error

return true; // ready to continue program execution

* get_snapshot -- reads a single snapshot from the input stream cin.
* note: in this implementation, only the particle data are read in, and it
* is left to the main program to first read particle number and time

void get_snapshot(real mass[], real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++){
cin >> mass[i]; // mass of particle i
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cin >> pos[i][k]; // position of particle i
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cin >> vel[i][k]; // velocity of particle i

* put_snapshot -- writes a single snapshot on the output stream cout.
* note: unlike get_snapshot(), put_snapshot handles particle number and time

void put_snapshot(const real mass[], const real pos[][NDIM],
const real vel[][NDIM], int n, real t)
cout.precision(16); // full double precision

cout << n << endl; // N, total particle number
cout << t << endl; // current time
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++){
cout << mass[i]; // mass of particle i
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cout << ' ' << pos[i][k]; // position of particle i
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cout << ' ' << vel[i][k]; // velocity of particle i
cout << endl;

* write_diagnostics -- writes diagnostics on the error stream cerr:
* current time; number of integration steps so far;
* kinetic, potential, and total energy; absolute and
* relative energy errors since the start of the run.
* If x_flag (x for eXtra data) is true, all internal
* data are dumped for each particle (mass, position,
* velocity, acceleration, and jerk).
* note: the kinetic energy is calculated here, while the potential energy is
* calculated in the function get_acc_jerk_pot_coll().

void write_diagnostics(const real mass[], const real pos[][NDIM],
const real vel[][NDIM], const real acc[][NDIM],
const real jerk[][NDIM], int n, real t, real epot,
int nsteps, real & einit, bool init_flag,
bool x_flag)
real ekin = 0; // kinetic energy of the n-body system
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++)
ekin += 0.5 * mass[i] * vel[i][k] * vel[i][k];

real etot = ekin + epot; // total energy of the n-body system

if (init_flag) // at first pass, pass the initial
einit = etot; // energy back to the calling function

cerr << "at time t = " << t << " , after " << nsteps
<< " steps :\n E_kin = " << ekin
<< " , E_pot = " << epot
<< " , E_tot = " << etot << endl;
cerr << " "
<< "absolute energy error: E_tot - E_init = "
<< etot - einit << endl;
cerr << " "
<< "relative energy error: (E_tot - E_init) / E_init = "
<< (etot - einit) / einit << endl;

if (x_flag){
cerr << " for debugging purposes, here is the internal data "
<< "representation:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++){
cerr << " internal data for particle " << i+1 << " : " << endl;
cerr << " ";
cerr << mass[i];
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cerr << ' ' << pos[i][k];
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cerr << ' ' << vel[i][k];
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cerr << ' ' << acc[i][k];
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++)
cerr << ' ' << jerk[i][k];
cerr << endl;

* evolve -- integrates an N-body system, for a total duration dt_tot.
* Snapshots are sent to the standard output stream once every
* time interval dt_out. Diagnostics are sent to the standard
* error stream once every time interval dt_dia.
* note: the integration time step, shared by all particles at any given time,
* is variable. Before each integration step we use coll_time (short
* for collision time, an estimate of the time scale for any significant
* change in configuration to happen), multiplying it by dt_param (the
* accuracy parameter governing the size of dt in units of coll_time),
* to obtain the new time step size.
* Before moving any particles, we start with an initial diagnostics output
* and snapshot output if desired. In order to write the diagnostics, we
* first have to calculate the potential energy, with get_acc_jerk_pot_coll().
* That function also calculates accelerations, jerks, and an estimate for the
* collision time scale, all of which are needed before we can enter the main
* integration loop below.
* In the main loop, we take as many integration time steps as needed to
* reach the next output time, do the output required, and continue taking
* integration steps and invoking output this way until the final time is
* reached, which triggers a `break' to jump out of the infinite loop set up
* with `while(true)'.

void evolve(const real mass[], real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
int n, real & t, real dt_param, real dt_dia, real dt_out,
real dt_tot, bool init_out, bool x_flag)
cerr << "Starting a Hermite integration for a " << n
<< "-body system,\n from time t = " << t
<< " with time step control parameter dt_param = " << dt_param
<< " until time " << t + dt_tot
<< " ,\n with diagnostics output interval dt_dia = "
<< dt_dia << ",\n and snapshot output interval dt_out = "
<< dt_out << "." << endl;

real (* acc)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM]; // accelerations and jerks
real (* jerk)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM]; // for all particles
real epot; // potential energy of the n-body system
real coll_time; // collision (close encounter) time scale

get_acc_jerk_pot_coll(mass, pos, vel, acc, jerk, n, epot, coll_time);

int nsteps = 0; // number of integration time steps completed
real einit; // initial total energy of the system

write_diagnostics(mass, pos, vel, acc, jerk, n, t, epot, nsteps, einit,
true, x_flag);
if (init_out) // flag for initial output
put_snapshot(mass, pos, vel, n, t);

real t_dia = t + dt_dia; // next time for diagnostics output
real t_out = t + dt_out; // next time for snapshot output
real t_end = t + dt_tot; // final time, to finish the integration

while (true){
while (t < t_dia && t < t_out && t < t_end){
real dt = dt_param * coll_time;
evolve_step(mass, pos, vel, acc, jerk, n, t, dt, epot, coll_time);
if (t >= t_dia){
write_diagnostics(mass, pos, vel, acc, jerk, n, t, epot, nsteps,
einit, false, x_flag);
t_dia += dt_dia;
if (t >= t_out){
put_snapshot(mass, pos, vel, n, t);
t_out += dt_out;
if (t >= t_end)

delete[] acc;
delete[] jerk;

* evolve_step -- takes one integration step for an N-body system, using the
* Hermite algorithm.

void evolve_step(const real mass[], real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
real acc[][NDIM], real jerk[][NDIM], int n, real & t,
real dt, real & epot, real & coll_time)
real (* old_pos)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM];
real (* old_vel)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM];
real (* old_acc)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM];
real (* old_jerk)[NDIM] = new real[n][NDIM];

for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
old_pos[i][k] = pos[i][k];
old_vel[i][k] = vel[i][k];
old_acc[i][k] = acc[i][k];
old_jerk[i][k] = jerk[i][k];

predict_step(pos, vel, acc, jerk, n, dt);
get_acc_jerk_pot_coll(mass, pos, vel, acc, jerk, n, epot, coll_time);
correct_step(pos, vel, acc, jerk, old_pos, old_vel, old_acc, old_jerk,
n, dt);
t += dt;

delete[] old_pos;
delete[] old_vel;
delete[] old_acc;
delete[] old_jerk;

* predict_step -- takes the first approximation of one Hermite integration
* step, advancing the positions and velocities through a
* Taylor series development up to the order of the jerks.

void predict_step(real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
const real acc[][NDIM], const real jerk[][NDIM],
int n, real dt)
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
pos[i][k] += vel[i][k]*dt + acc[i][k]*dt*dt/2
+ jerk[i][k]*dt*dt*dt/6;
vel[i][k] += acc[i][k]*dt + jerk[i][k]*dt*dt/2;

* correct_step -- takes one iteration to improve the new values of position
* and velocities, effectively by using a higher-order
* Taylor series constructed from the terms up to jerk at
* the beginning and the end of the time step.

void correct_step(real pos[][NDIM], real vel[][NDIM],
const real acc[][NDIM], const real jerk[][NDIM],
const real old_pos[][NDIM], const real old_vel[][NDIM],
const real old_acc[][NDIM], const real old_jerk[][NDIM],
int n, real dt)
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
vel[i][k] = old_vel[i][k] + (old_acc[i][k] + acc[i][k])*dt/2
+ (old_jerk[i][k] - jerk[i][k])*dt*dt/12;
pos[i][k] = old_pos[i][k] + (old_vel[i][k] + vel[i][k])*dt/2
+ (old_acc[i][k] - acc[i][k])*dt*dt/12;

* get_acc_jerk_pot_coll -- calculates accelerations and jerks, and as side
* effects also calculates potential energy and
* the time scale coll_time for significant changes
* in local configurations to occur.
* __ __
* | --> --> |
* M M | r . v |
* --> j --> --> j | --> ji ji --> |
* a == -------- r ; j == -------- | v - 3 --------- r |
* ji |--> |3 ji ji |--> |3 | ji |--> |2 ji |
* | r | | r | | | r | |
* | ji | | ji | |__ | ji | __|
* note: it would be cleaner to calculate potential energy and collision time
* in a separate function. However, the current function is by far the
* most time consuming part of the whole program, with a double loop
* over all particles that is executed every time step. Splitting off
* some of the work to another function would significantly increase
* the total computer time (by an amount close to a factor two).
* We determine the values of all four quantities of interest by walking
* through the system in a double {i,j} loop. The first three, acceleration,
* jerk, and potential energy, are calculated by adding successive terms;
* the last, the estimate for the collision time, is found by determining the
* minimum value over all particle pairs and over the two choices of collision
* time, position/velocity and sqrt(position/acceleration), where position and
* velocity indicate their relative values between the two particles, while
* acceleration indicates their pairwise acceleration. At the start, the
* first three quantities are set to zero, to prepare for accumulation, while
* the last one is set to a very large number, to prepare for minimization.
* The integration loops only over half of the pairs, with j > i, since
* the contributions to the acceleration and jerk of particle j on particle i
* is the same as those of particle i on particle j, apart from a minus sign
* and a different mass factor.

void get_acc_jerk_pot_coll(const real mass[], const real pos[][NDIM],
const real vel[][NDIM], real acc[][NDIM],
real jerk[][NDIM], int n, real & epot,
real & coll_time)
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++)
acc[i][k] = jerk[i][k] = 0;
epot = 0;
const real VERY_LARGE_NUMBER = 1e300;
real coll_time_q = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER; // collision time to 4th power
real coll_est_q; // collision time scale estimate
// to 4th power (quartic)
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++){
for (int j = i+1; j < n ; j++){ // rji[] is the vector from
real rji[NDIM]; // particle i to particle j
real vji[NDIM]; // vji[] = d rji[] / d t
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
rji[k] = pos[j][k] - pos[i][k];
vji[k] = vel[j][k] - vel[i][k];
real r2 = 0; // | rji |^2
real v2 = 0; // | vji |^2
real rv_r2 = 0; // ( rij . vij ) / | rji |^2
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
r2 += rji[k] * rji[k];
v2 += vji[k] * vji[k];
rv_r2 += rji[k] * vji[k];
rv_r2 /= r2;
real r = sqrt(r2); // | rji |
real r3 = r * r2; // | rji |^3

// add the {i,j} contribution to the total potential energy for the system:

epot -= mass[i] * mass[j] / r;

// add the {j (i)} contribution to the {i (j)} values of acceleration and jerk:

real da[NDIM]; // main terms in pairwise
real dj[NDIM]; // acceleration and jerk
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
da[k] = rji[k] / r3; // see equations
dj[k] = (vji[k] - 3 * rv_r2 * rji[k]) / r3; // in the header
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++){
acc[i][k] += mass[j] * da[k]; // using symmetry
acc[j][k] -= mass[i] * da[k]; // find pairwise
jerk[i][k] += mass[j] * dj[k]; // acceleration
jerk[j][k] -= mass[i] * dj[k]; // and jerk

// first collision time estimate, based on unaccelerated linear motion:

coll_est_q = (r2*r2) / (v2*v2);
if (coll_time_q > coll_est_q)
coll_time_q = coll_est_q;

// second collision time estimate, based on free fall:

real da2 = 0; // da2 becomes the
for (int k = 0; k < NDIM ; k++) // square of the
da2 += da[k] * da[k]; // pair-wise accel-
double mij = mass[i] + mass[j]; // eration between
da2 *= mij * mij; // particles i and j

coll_est_q = r2/da2;
if (coll_time_q > coll_est_q)
coll_time_q = coll_est_q;
} // from q for quartic back
coll_time = sqrt(sqrt(coll_time_q)); // to linear collision time

* \\ o
* end of file: nbody_sh1.C /\\' O
* /\ |