2013-2014 Members
The program is led by Avi Wigderson. This page lists members and visitors who take an active part in this year's activities.
Members are in residence for at least one term. The name is followed by a brief description of research interests, and personal home pages provide more information.
- Noga Alon Visiting Professor (Combinatorics)
- Andris Ambainis von Neumann Fellow (Computer Science)
- Anindya De (Theoretical Computer Science)
- Andrew Drucker (Computer Science)
- Yuval Filmus (Computer Science)
- Edinah Gnang (Computer Science)
- Olga Holtz von Neumann Fellow (Analysis)
- Bruce Kapron (Computer Science)
- Valerie King (Computer Science)
- Gillat Kol (Theory of Computation)
- Or Meir (Computer Science)
- Ran Raz Visiting Professor (Computational Complexity)
- Ali Kemal Sinop (Theoretical Computer Science)
- Hao Huang (Combinatorics, Theoretical Computer Science)
- Allison Lewko (Theoretical Computer Science)
Short-term Visitors
- Michael Krivelevich, Tel Aviv University (09/22/13 - 09/25/13)
- Sanjeev Arora, Princeton University (09/30/13)
- Jacob Fox, MIT (10/07/13)
- Yael Tauman-Kalai, Microsoft Research New England (10/13/13 - 10/16/13)
- Boaz Slomka, Tel Aviv University (10/20/13 - 10/22/13)
- Van Vu, Yale University (10/21/13 - 10/23/13)
- Vladimir Braverman, Johns Hopkins University (11/02/13 - 11/04/13)
- Toni Pitassi, University of Toronto (11/09/14 - 11/11/13)
- Brendan Juba, Harvard University (11/17/13 - 11/19/13)
- Joseph Landsberg, Texas A & M University (11/15/13)
- Adam Marcus, Yale University (12/01/13 - 12/04/13)
- Adi Shamir, Weizmann Institute (12/08/13 - 12/09/13)
- Gil Cohen, Weizmann Institute (12/15/13 - 12/18/13)
- Siu Man Chan, Princeton University (01/21/14)
- Aram Harrow, MIT (01/26/14 - 01/29/14)
- Brett Hemenway, University of Pennsylvania (02/3/14 - 02/4/14) (04/13/14 - 04/14/14)
- Julia Chuzhoy, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (02/9/14 - 02/11/14)
- Joshua Grochow, Santa Fe Institute (02/16/14 - 02/18/14)
- Jonathan Kelner, MIT (02/23/14 - 02/24/14)
- Benjamin Rossman, National Institute of Informatics (02/09/14 - 02/22/14)
- Anup Rao, University of Washington (02/10/14 - 02/15/14)
- Pavel Hrubes, University of Trier (03/01/14 - 03/09/14)
- Yufei Zhao, MIT (03/02/14 - 03/04/14)
- Avishay Tal, Weizmann Institute (03/09/14 - 03/11/14)
- Thomas Rothvoss, University of Washington, Seattle (03/16/14 - 03/18/14)
- Mary Wooters, University of Michigan (03/23/14 - 03/26/14)
- Rocco Servedio, Columbia University (03/31/14)
- Aravind Srinivasan, University of Maryland, College Park (04/06/14 - 04/07/14)
- Yaoyun Shi, University of Michigan (04/20/14 - 04/21/14)
- Yuval Peres, Microsoft Research (04/27/14 - 04/29/14)