Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (CSDM)
If you would like to learn about this program and our activities, follow one of these links or read the background information.
- Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminars
- Related Nearby Seminars
- Current Members
- Previous Years
- Videos
- Past Postdocs
- Postdoctoral Positions
- NSF Grant: Theory of Computation - Pushing the State-of-the-Art
- Useful Links
The CSDM program, founded in 1999, has two weekly seminars. The main purpose of this program is intensive research, often in cooperation with short-term visitors and local people from academic and research institutions such as Princeton University, Rutgers University, or DIMACS. For more information, check out the pages Seminars and People.
Previous activities of the CSDM program can be found through the links listed above.
Welcome to the home page of the special program in Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (TCS/DM).
This field is one of the most vibrant and active areas of scientific study today. Starting half a century ago, even before computers existed, theoretical computer scientists set out to define mathematically the concept of "computation", and to study its power and limits. The theoretical discoveries of Alan Turing, John von Neumann (Institute faculty member, 1933-57), and their contemporaries led to the practical construction of the first stored-program computer at the IAS, followed by the computer "revolution" we are witnessing today.
The practical use of computers and, simultaneously, the unexpected mathematical depth of the abstract notion of "computation" have significantly altered and expanded theoretical computer science. In the last quarter-century, it has turned into a rich and beautiful field, making connections to other areas and attracting talented young scientists. More technical (but still popular) descriptions of various related aspects can be found here:
- Mathematics and Computation: A Theory Revolutionizing Technology & Science
- Some aspects of the evolution undergone by Theoretical Computer Science in the last quarter-century
- On relations between TCS and other sciences
- Discrete Mathematics: Past, Present, and Future
TCS/DM at the Institute
The "parent" disciplines from which Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics evolved were once represented at the Institute by John von Neumann (1933-57) and Kurt Gödel (1953-76). After a considerable gap, the School of Mathematics began to explore the possibility of re-opening this stream of research in the early 1990s with a well-received series of lectures given by Michael Rabin and Richard Karp. The year 1993 marked the opening of a series of exploratory programs led by various leading researchers from all over the world. In the same year, the weekly seminar (now known as Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar) was established.
The exploratory programs proved to be quite successful, both scientifically and educationally and also were well-received by the mathematical community outside the Institute. Thus, it was decided to go ahead, and in 1997-98 and 1998-99, Noga Alon and Avi Wigderson assumed the leadership of further programs in combinatorics and computational complexity.
A commitment to the permanent presence of Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics was made by appointing Avi Wigderson to the newly created faculty position (1999). This event also marks the formal beginning of the TCS/DM special program. In 2024, Irit Dinur was appointed as faculty in the School of Math, and will lead the CSDM program jointly with Avi.
Almost immediately (in the academic year of 2000-01) the CSDM Program was holding a Special Year on Computational Complexity that attracted well-known researchers in this field. As another part of the effort to get it established, Alexander Razborov was appointed to be in residence as a senior member in 2001-2006.
Previous activities can be found through the links listed in the sidebar above under previous years.
Collaborations and Education
From its very beginning, the CSDM Program has been working in close collaboration with nearby academic establishments, as well as with industry research groups. The list of our principal collaborators in particular includes:
- Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)
- Department of Computer Science at Princeton University
- NEC Research Institute
The CSDM Program puts special stress on educational aspects. Under the auspices of IAS/Park City Institute, in the summer of 2000, Avi Wigderson and Steven Rudich (Carnegie-Mellon) organized a Graduate Summer School in Computational Complexity. Every year the CSDM Program seeks postdoctoral applications from graduating Ph.D.s in the areas of Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics.
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