Oppenheimer in the Institute for Advanced Study Archive

Caitlin Rizzo, Archivist at the Institute for Advanced Study's Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, highlights the role she played in bringing Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer to life, and how the film has provided opportunities to share stories not only about the former IAS Director, but about the people around him who helped to push the boundaries of knowledge.

Read more about "Oppenheimer's Second Act" at the Institute for Advanced Study

Institute Instances is a collection of 1–2 minute video snapshots of scholars, administrators, and visitors to the Institute for Advanced Study answering a question (or two) about their work at IAS. Viewed individually, these clips allow audiences to get to know the people who are, in the words of founding IAS Director Abraham Flexner, “pushing beyond the present limits of human knowledge” through advancements in science and the humanities. Taken together, these “instances" of Institute life are designed to show how everyone can play a role in actualizing discovery, and to celebrate a community devoted to excellence in scholarship.