Scramblon Loops

Out of time ordered correlator(OTOC) is one signature of quantum chaos. In certain large N systems, emergent scramblon-exchange modes dominate, while scramblon interactions are suppressed by 1/N. However, we are going to discuss certain types of scramblon loop corrections, which cause a dramatic breakdown of scramblon exchange approximation, much earlier than naive expectation. Interestingly, while these effects are significant in high temperature/saddle(stringy) dominant/incoherent systems, they get cut off in low temperature/pole(graviton) dominant/coherent systems by ballistic growth. This suggests a sharp distinction between coherent/incoherent scrambling could appear by studying quantum fluctuations. We will also comment on their relation to wavefront broadening phenomena and gravitational high energy scattering.



Shunyu Yao


Stanford University