Princeton University Thunch Talk

Building a Coherent Picture of the Coevolution between Massive Black Holes and Galaxies with Deep Surveys

It is a fundamental question in extragalactic astronomy to understand the coevolution between massive black holes (MBHs) and their host galaxies. In this talk, I will present our efforts covering low to high levels (i.e., data to science) in building a coherent picture of the MBH-galaxy coevolution. To prepare for all the subsequent science, we have systematically compiled, refined, analyzed, and cataloged multiwavelength data in three LSST Deep-Drilling Fields and conducted source classifications and galaxy-property measurements. The corresponding catalogs with 2.8 million sources have been released and are valuable resources for subsequent extragalactic research in these fields. I will then discuss fast-accreting dust-obscured galaxies as direct probes of merger-driven events, and these galaxies are undergoing strong interactions between supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and galaxies. To understand the whole SMBH and galaxy population in a time-averaged sense, we further measured the cosmic growth of SMBHs as a function of galaxy properties using an unprecedentedly large sample and a semiparametric Bayesian method, and these results directly quantify the link between the SMBH and galaxy populations. Finally, I will discuss our X-ray-based searches and characterizations of distant active dwarf galaxies to identify this missed piece in the jigsaw puzzle of the MBH-galaxy coevolution.

Date & Time

September 28, 2023 | 12:15pm – 1:15pm


Peyton Hall, Grand Central


Fan Zou, Penn State