Princeton University PCTS Workshop

Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Physics

Free, but required registration is now open for the PCTS workshop, Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Physics

Details can be found here or on the website at Princeton Center for Theoretical Science

Please Note: This workshop is not open to the general public, but only to active researchers.

Organizers: Michael Aizenman (Princeton), Giorgio Cipolloni (PCTS), Bruno Nachtergaele (UC Davis), Jacob Shapiro (Princeton), and Simone Warzel (TU Munich)

Abstract: Current research on quantum systems continually offers new challenging mathematical problems. This workshop aims to bring together a group of researchers with diverse backgrounds in condensed matter physics, quantum information,  probability theory, and mathematical physics, with the hope of generating new perspectives on problems arising from the study of quantum circuits with disorder and noise, random matrices, quantum glasses, transport properties of open and driven systems,  topological states of matter, entanglement phase transitions, and more.

Date & Time

March 22, 2023 | 9:00am – 5:00pm


Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407

