Princeton University Galread [Galactic/Extragalactic Reading Group]

The Magellan Infrared Multi-object Spectrograph (MIRMOS)

The Magellan Infrared Multi-object Spectrograph (MIRMOS) is a next-generation near-infrared multi-object spectrograph and integral field unit slated for the Magellan 6.5m telescopes. MIRMOS is designed to address frontier scientific questions in extragalactic, cosmological, and exoplanetary science including: (1) mapping the topology of late reionization, (2) delineating the connection between galaxies and the cosmic web, (3) tracking gas flows in and out of galaxies, (4) characterizing sources discovered in next-generation wide-area surveys and (5) surveying the molecular content of exoplanet atmospheres. MIRMOS will be the only MOS on a 6.5-10 m telescope to observe the full NIR spectrum from 0.89-2.4 micron simultaneously. The R~3700 spectrograph functions as both a multi-object spectrograph and a wide-field IFU. Designed as a wide-field, ground-based complement to JWST’s exquisite sensitivity, MIRMOS’s wide FOV and unprecedented simultaneous wavelength coverage make it ~5x faster for galaxy surveys than existing instruments. MIRMOS is currently in the preliminary design phase including the development and fabrication of the first camera.

Date & Time

March 06, 2023 | 11:00am – 12:00pm


Zoom and Peyton Hall, Grand Central


Gwen Rudie


Carnegie Observatories