Events in Princeton and Surrounding Areas
Maps and Geospatial Information Center @Princeton: Multiple classes and topics related to GIS starting on September 9. See the schedule for all upcoming Maps and GIS Events and Workshops.
PICSciE Computing Training Workshops. The Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE), in collaboration with OIT Research Computing and other academic departments, offers mini courses and workshops on topics ranging from Programming Using Python to How to Create and Collect Geographic Data using QGIS. Read more and sign up for this semester's workshops by using the above link.
PU NETID required to register.
Great opportunities to learn something new or refresh what you already know. As part of the New Jersey Digital Humanities Consortium we have access to the following:
Rutgers New Brunswick Libraries will offer workshops on Python, R, GIS, Digital Humanities, data visualization, data science topics, and social media data. For additional information and registration visit their website (link abouve) and use the "Filter by Topic" and select Data.
Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative have among others workshops Zotero, Building Digital Exhibitions and Collections with Omeka, Digital Humanities and Data, Digital Humanities and Pedagogy, Interactive Storytelling with Esri ArcGIS StoryMaps and Digital Humanities Project Development. For additional information and registration visit their website (link above) and use the "Filter by Topic" and select Citation Management and Digital Humanities.
Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton: The Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton is an interdisciplinary research center that brings together faculty, staff, students, and community partners working at the intersection of the humanities and technology. For events held at the CDH visit using the above link.
Princeton University Library Workshops and Events: Find out what’s on the calendar. PU NETID required to register. Visit their website (link above) and use the "Filter by Category".
Sherman Center for Digital Scholarship, McMaster University: The Center offers throughout the year a variety of online classes available to everyone. They also have recordings of past trainings. For details and schedule visit their website using the above link.
The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania Libraries: Bringing manuscript culture, modern technology and people together. Visit their website for a complete listing of events, resources, and opportunities.