Robbert Dijkgraaf and IAS Scholars Featured in Mind of the Universe Series
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director and Leon Levy Professor, narrates The Mind of the Universe, a ten-part television series that explores the work of thirty scientists. The program features Institute scholars including Juan Maldacena, Carl P. Feinberg Professor in the School of Natural Sciences, Jennifer Chayes, Member (1994–95, 1997) in the School of Mathematics, Sara Seager, Member (1999–2002) in the School of Natural Sciences, and Institute Trustee Martin Rees. The Mind of the Universe is also the first, open-source science series to offer an online learning experience in addition to the television program.
View The Mind of the Universe episodes (in Dutch with English subtitles available) here.
Press Contact
Alexandra Altman
(609) 951-4406