After Hours Conversations

After Hours Conversations is a program of informal meetings that are held in Harry's Bar, from 5:00 pm till 7:00 pm, on Mondays and Thursdays, in October and November and again in February and March. The talk starts at 5:30 pm. The sessions will be moderated by Piet Hut, Program in Interdisciplinary Studies; Didier Fassin, School of Social Science; Patrick Geary, School of Historical Studies; and Helmut Hofer, School of Mathematics. The format is as follows. At 5:30 pm, someone will give an informal presentation of no more than 10 minutes, intended for a general audience. The topic will be a brief description of a major open problem in his or her field, together with suggestions for possible future progress with respect to that problem. This talk will be followed by 20 minutes of discussion, until 6:00 pm. During the remaining hour, everyone is free to mingle in more general discussions, preferably with others not from their own School. If anyone would like to volunteer for giving a talk, please send an email to Piet Hut (, Didier Fassin (, Patrick Geary (, Helmut Hofer ( Note that in Harry's Bar all beverages including bottled water must be purchased with an IAS card. If you would like to purchase a drink, it would be best to arrive around 5:15, to allow the line at the bar to be processed before the start of the talk. Thank you for your cooperation.

Date & Time

March 06, 2014 | 5:00pm – 7:00pm


Harry's Bar


