AI doesn’t have all the answers — especially this election season

Co-founders of the AI Democracy Projects Alondra Nelson, Harold F. Linder Professor in the School of Social Science, and Julia Angwin have penned an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times about the use of "artificial intelligence platforms to answer questions of where, when and how to vote."

In their study, they found that "misleading information about elections abound on these AI platforms." With these findings, they then argue for increased government regulation and transparency from tech companies, who should be "publicly disclosing information about vulnerabilities in their products and sharing evidence of how they are doing so by performing regular testing."

An acclaimed sociologist, Nelson examines questions in science, technology, and social inequality. The AI Democracy Projects are a collaboration between Nelson's Science, Technology, and Social Values Lab at the Institute for Advanced Study and Proof News, founded by award-winning investigative journalist Julia Angwin.

Read more at the Los Angeles Times.
