
High Energy Theory Seminar

November 11, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
In this talk, I will discuss the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in 2d dilaton gravity in a holographic context. After deriving the boundary time reparametrization equation and the holographic stress tensor, I will demonstrate that these can be obtained...

High Energy Theory Seminar

November 07, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
I will review the efforts made towards approaching string universality in six dimensions and report recent "cartographic" developments on exploring the landscape of six-dimensional string vacua. A working conjecture is that all six-dimensional...

High Energy Theory Seminar

November 04, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:30pm
The Ryu-Takayanagi formula and its quantum-corrected version are useful in understanding many aspects of quantum gravity such as subregion duality, emergence of the radial direction, and the generalized second law. In this talk, I will first...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 31, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
3d {\cal N} = 4 SCFTs have two protected topological sectors, one associated to the Higgs branch and one to the Coulomb branch. I will use supersymmetric localization to derive a Lagrangian description for the 1d sector associated with the Higgs...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 28, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:30pm
I will introduce a technique in studying the analytic structure of perturbative S-matrix of QFTs. The main idea is to associate Feynman integrals to objects in a projective space: polytopes and hypersurfaces. At one loop, this reveals a universal...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 24, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
In this talk I will review some aspects of a recently proposed duality between topological string on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds and the spectral theory of trace class operators. I will discuss the relation between this construction and Painlevé...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 17, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
States of quantum matter without quasiparticles can be more precisely characterized by their rapid approach to local thermal equilibrium: this is argued to happen in a shortest possible time of order (Planck’s constant)/((Boltmann’s constant)x...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 14, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:30pm
I will discuss how to relate the entropy of BPSblack holes in AdS to counting of states in gaugetheory, presenting examples where this can besuccessfully done as well as examples where thisdoes not seem to work.