
High Energy Theory Seminar

January 30, 2017 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm
We review the double line notation for the Feynman diagram expansion of N by N matrix models. In the ‘t Hooft large N limit only the planar diagrams survive, and the dual graphs may be thought of as discretized random surfaces. We proceed to...

High Energy Theory Seminar

December 12, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
I will explain in examples how to incroporate the dependence on spin structure in fermionic lattice models. In two dimensions, I show to construct a spin-TQFT out of a superalgebra. In three dimensions, it turns out that fermionic lattice models are...

High Energy Theory Seminar

December 09, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:30pm
I will briefly review our current experimental knowledge of dark matter and then discuss recent developments in model building. In particular I will show that dark matter can be a thermal relic exponentially lighter than the weak scale without being...

High Energy Theory Seminar

December 02, 2016 | 1:45pm - 2:45pm
I will give a first-principles introduction to p-adic numbers and p-adic AdS/CFT. p-adic numbers are an alternative to the real numbers, and they have a hierarchical structure which lends itself naturally to a holographic construction. The bulk...

High Energy Theory Seminar

November 21, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
One of the many remarkable properties of conformal field theory in two dimensions is its connection to algebraic geometry. Since every compact Riemann surface is a projective algebraic curve, many constructions of interest in physics (which a priori...

High Energy Theory Seminar

November 14, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Phases of quantum many particle systems can have low energy effective field theoretic descriptions in terms of gauge theories in their deconfined phase.
Such emergent gauge theories play a central role in modern theoretical work in condensed matter...