Special Year 2020-21: Geometric and Modular Representation Theory

I will describe a program aimed at understanding numerics of representations of quantized symplectic resolutions in positive characteristic. A key ingredient is a generalization of the action of the affine braid group on the derived category of...

The goal of this talk is two-fold. We state a parabolic version of the two realizations theorem and sketch a proof. This version relates Iwahori-constructible sheaves on parabolic affine flag variety to coherent sheaves on a parabolic version of the...

SL2 Seminar

March 23, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

In the last talk of this series, we discuss the microlocal criterion for regular singularities of a D-module, and the existence of special filtrations on regular holonomic microdifferential modules. This allows us to define a D-module-theoretic...

I will start with a few comments on the proof of the equivalence presented in the previous talks. Then I will focus on the description of the abelian category of perverse sheaves on the affine flag variety on the coherent side, where the answer is...

SL2 Seminar

March 16, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

We introduce basic tools of the trade: the Fourier-Sato transform, specialisation, Sato's microlocalisation and the microhom functor, culminating with a concrete description of the morphisms in our category of microlocal sheaves. We use quantized...

In this talk we will begin the discussion of the results in Bezrukavnikov's "On Two Geometric Realizations of the Affine Hecke algebra". We will put all the previous tools described in this series of talks together to construct the equivalence of...

SL2 Seminar

March 09, 2021 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm

We will study the singularities of sheaves on a manifold via the symplectic geometry of its cotangent bundle, following the work of Sato, Kashiwara, Schapira and others. We will then see how to organise this information into a sheaf of categories...