Geometric and Modular Representation Theory Seminar
Parabolic version of the two realizations theorem and applications to modular representation theory
The goal of this talk is two-fold. We state a parabolic version of the two realizations theorem and sketch a proof. This version relates Iwahori-constructible sheaves on parabolic affine flag variety to coherent sheaves on a parabolic version of the Steinberg. We also explain an application of this result to the representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras in positive characteristic. Our result here is an explicit character formula for appropriately equivariant simple modules with distinguished $p$-character. The talk is based on 2005.10030, joint with Bezrukavnikov.
Date & Time
March 24, 2021 | 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote AccessSpeakers
Yale University; Member, School of Mathematics
Event Series
Seminar website: /math/sp/geometric_modular_reptheory/seminar