Previous Special Year Seminar
Moduli Spaces via Minimal Models (cont'd)
Singularities and Spaces of Jets
I will give an introduction to spaces of jets of algebraic
varieties, explining their relevance for birational geometry. In
particular, I will explain why these spaces are useful in the study
of singularities.
Rost's Basic Correspondences
Compactification of Moduli Spaces of Drinfeld's Shtukas
Ngo Dac Tuan
In Lafforgue's proof of the Langlands conjecture for GL(2) over
a functional field, an important step is to compactify the moduli
spaces of Drinfeld's shtukas. In this talk, I will present a new
approach to this problem using the Geometric Invariant...
We will discuss the ideas of the proof of the finite generation
theorem, by looking at several special cases.
Rost's Basic Correspondences
Motives of Rigid Varieties and Motivic Nearby Cycles
Steenrod and Milnor Operations