Previous Special Year Seminar
Introduction to Equivariant Cohomology (continued)
Equivariant cohomology was introduced in the 1960s by Borel, and
has been studied by many mathematicians since that time. The
talks will be an introduction to some of this work. We will
focus on torus-equivariant cohomology (as well as
Introduction to Equivariant Cohomology
Equivariant cohomology was introduced in the 1960s by Borel, and
has been studied by many mathematicians since that time. The
talks will be an introduction to some of this work. We will
focus on torus-equivariant cohomology (as well as
Topological Bound for Tropical Varieties
The construction by Mikhalkin of a non-planar tropical cubic
curve in R^3 of genus 1 marked a significant breakthrough in the
study of combinatorial tropical varieties. It was the first known
example of a non-realizable tropical variety, with the...
The conjecture in combinatorics that has received perhaps the
most attention over the last 50 years is McMullen's g-conjecture.
It provides a complete characterisation of the number of
$i$-dimensional faces in a triangulation of an $(d - 1)$...
Chow Functions for Partially Ordered Sets
In a landmark paper in 1992, Stanley developed the foundations
of what is now known as the Kazhdan--Lusztig--Stanley (KLS) theory.
To each kernel in a graded poset, he associates special functions
called KLS polynomials. This unifies and puts a...
Singular Points on Positroid Varieties and Physics Applications
Joseph Fluegemann
We heard last week in Daoji's talk about positroid varieties,
which are subvarieties in the Grassmannian defined by cyclic rank
conditions, and which are related to Schubert varieties. In this
talk, we will provide a criterion for whether positroid...
Kahler Packages on Valuations on Convex Sets and Their Applications
Semyon Alesker
A valuation is a finitely additive measure on the class of all
convex compact subsets of $R^n$. Over the past two decades, a
number of structures has been discovered on the space of
translation invariant smooth valuations. Recently, these
Standard Monomials for Positroid Varieties
Influential work of Hodge from the 1940s led the way in using
Gröbner bases to combinatorially study the Grassmannian. We follow
Hodge's approach to investigate certain subvarieties of the
Grassmannian, called positroid varieties. Positroid...
Tits's Dream: Buildings Over F1 and Combinatorial Flag Varieties
2:30pm|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5
The theme of the lecture is the notion of points over F1, the
field with one element. Several heuristic computations led to
certain expectations on the set of F1-points: for example the Euler
characteristic of a smooth projective complex variety X...
Cotangent Schubert Calculus
Schubert Calculus studies cohomology rings in (generalized) flag
varieties, equipped with a distinguished basis - the fundamental
classes of Schubert varieties - with structure constants satisfying
many desirable properties. Cotangent Schubert...