Seminars Sorted by Series
Members’ Seminar
no seminar today: workshop
No seminar today: workshop
Efficient non-convex polynomial optimization and the sum-of-squares hierarchy
The sum-of-squares (SOS) hierarchy (due to Shor'85, Parrilo'00,
and Lasserre'00) is a widely-studied meta-algorithm for
(non-convex) polynomial optimization that has its roots in
Hilbert's 17th problem about non-negative polynomials.SOS plays
Extremal problems in combinatorial geometry
Orit Raz
Combinatorial geometry is a field that studies combinatorial
problems that involve some simple geometric objects/notions, such
as: lines, points, distances, collinearity. While such problems are
often easy to state, some of them are very difficult...
Algebra and geometry of the scattering equations
Four years ago, Cachazo, He and Yuan found a system of algebraic
equations, now named the "scattering equations", that effectively
encoded the kinematics of massless particles in such a way that the
scattering amplitudes, the quantities of physical...
no seminar: postdoctoral talks
no seminar: postdoctoral talks
Analysis and topology on locally symmetric spaces
Locally symmetric spaces are a class of Riemannian manifolds
which play a special role in number theory. In this talk, I will
introduce these spaces through example, and show some of their
unusual properties from the point of view of both analysis...
no seminar: Hermann Weyl Lecture
no seminar: Hermann Weyl Lecture
Geometry and arithmetic of sphere packings
We introduce the notion of a "crystallographic sphere packing,"
which generalizes the classical Apollonian circle packing. Tools
from arithmetic groups, hyperbolic geometry, and dynamics are used
to show that, on one hand, there is an infinite zoo...
High density phases of hard-core lattice particle systems
In this talk, I will discuss the behavior of hard-core lattice
particle systems at high fugacities. I will first present a
collection of models in which the high fugacity phase can be
understood by expanding in powers of the inverse of the
Decomposition theorem for semisimple algebraic holonomic D-modules
Decomposition theorem for perverse sheaves on algebraic
varieties, proved by Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne-Gabber, is one of
the most important and useful theorems in the contemporary
mathematics. By the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, we may
Representations of Kauffman bracket skein algebras of a surface
The definition of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of an
oriented surface was originally motivated by the Jones polynomial
invariant of knots and links in space, and a representation of the
skein algebra features in Witten's topological quantum...
Everything you wanted to know about machine learning but didn't know whom to ask
Algebraic combinatorics: applications to statistical mechanics and complexity theory
We will give a brief overview of the classical topics, problems
and results in Algebraic Combinatorics. Emerging from the
representation theory of $S_n$ and $GL_n$, they took a life on
their own via the theory of symmetric functions and Young...
Rigidity and recurrence in symplectic dynamics
Symplectic Geometry and its dynamics originated from classical
mechanics as the geometry of physical phase space, in particular
from celestial mechanics, and one of the most driving questions is
up to today that of stability for such systems. One of...
On a conjecture for $p$-torsion in class groups of number fields
Lillian Pierce
This talk will survey ideas surrounding a conjecture in number
theory about the structure of class groups of number fields. Each
number field has associated to it a finite abelian group, the class
group, and as long ago as Gauss, deep questions...
Symmetries of hamiltonian actions of reductive groups
Classical and quantum Hamiltonian actions of reductive groups,
respectively, give rise to ubiquitous families of commuting flows
and of commutative rings of operators. I will explain how a
construction of Ngô (from the proof of the Fundamental Lemma...
Some things you need to know about machine learning but didn't know whom to ask (the grad school version)
Cocycles, Lyapunov exponents, localization
This talk will be an introduction to the methods used in the
study of spectral properties of Schroedinger operators with a
potential defined via the action of an ergodic transformation. Open
problems relating to Lyapunov exponents over a skew shift...
No seminar: Presidents' Day
No seminar: Presidents\' Day
Representations of $p$-adic groups
I will survey what is known about the construction of (the
building blocks of) representations of p-adic groups, mention
recent developments, and explain some of the concepts underlying
all constructions. In particular, I will introduce
Math for underprivileged high school kids
Rajiv Gandhi, Dan Zaharopol
We will hear from two passionate creators of successful
mentoring programs in math for high school kids in educationally
challenged environments. They will give back-to-back talks about
their experiences and educational insights.
Rajiv Gandhi: "From...
Math for underprivileged high school kids
Rajiv Gandhi / Dan Zaharopol
The hidden landscape of localization
Complexity of the geometry, randomness of the potential, and
many other irregularities of the system can cause powerful, albeit
quite different, manifestations of localization: a phenomenon of
confinement of waves, or eigenfunctions, to a small...
Kazhdan-Lusztig theory for matroids
There is a remarkable parallel between the theory of Coxeter
groups (think of the symmetric group Sn or the dihedral group Dn)
and matroids (think of your favorite graph or vector
configuration). After giving an overview of the similarity, I
On Expressiveness and Optimization in Deep Learning
Three fundamental factors determine the quality of a statistical
learning algorithm: expressiveness, optimization and
generalization. The classic strategy for handling these factors is
relatively well understood. In contrast, the radically
Existence theory of minimal hypersurfaces
Fernando Codá Marquez
In this talk I will survey recent advances on the existence
theory of minimal hypersurfaces from the variational point of view.
I will discuss what we know, what we do not know and point to
future directions. This is based on joint works with Andre...
Critical Hoelder exponents
In a series of works with Laszlo Szekelyhidi Jr. we pointed out
an unusual analogy between two problems in rather distant areas: a
long standing conjecture of Onsager in the theory of turbulence and
a (less known) critical regularity problem in...
New and old results in the classical theory of minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces in Euclidean 3-space R^3
William Meeks
In this talk I will present a survey of some of the famous
results and examples in the classical theory of minimal and
constant mean curvature surfaces in R^3. The first examples of
minimal surfaces were found by Euler (catenoid) around 1741...
On measures invariant under the diagonal group --- a new approach
A key challenge in homogeneous dynamics is understanding the
action of higher rank diagonal groups on homogenous spaces. While
actions of rank one diagonal groups have a lot of flexibility, a
phenomena used already by Artin to engineer orbits of...
Invertible objects in stable homotopy theory
Computation of the stable homotopy groups of spheres is a
long-standing open problem in algebraic topology. I will describe
how chromatic homotopy theory uses localization of categories,
analogous to localization for rings and modules, to split
A tale of two conjectures: from Mahler to Viterbo.
In this talk we explain how billiard dynamics can be used to
relate a symplectic isoperimetric-type conjecture by Viterbo with
an 80-years old open conjecture by Mahler regarding the volume
product of convex bodies. The talk is based on a joint work...
Effective Sato-Tate under GRH
Alina Bucur
Based on the Lagarias-Odlyzko effectivization of the Chebotarev
density theorem, Kumar Murty gave an effective version of the
Sato-Tate conjecture for an elliptic curve conditional on the
analytic continuation and the Riemann hypothesis for all the...
Recent Progress on Zimmer's Conjecture
David Fisher
Lattices in higher rank simple Lie groups are known to be
extremely rigid. Examples of this are Margulis' superrigidity
theorem, which shows they have very few linear represenations, and
Margulis' arithmeticity theorem, which shows they are all...
Schubert polynomials via triangulations of flow polytopes
The flow polytope associated to an acyclic graph is the set of
all nonnegative flows on the edges of the graph with a fixed
netflow at each vertex. We will discuss a family of subdivisions of
flow polytopes and explain how they give rise to a family...
2:00pm|no seminar - Dr. Martin Luther King Day
Minimal hypersurfaces in manifolds of finite volume
We show that every complete Riemannian manifold of finite volume
contains a complete embedded minimal hypersurface of finite volume.
This is a joint work with Gregory Chambers.
The Sample Complexity of Multi-Reference Alignment
How should one estimate a signal, given only access to noisy
versions of the signal corrupted by unknown cyclic shifts? This
simple problem has surprisingly broad applications, in fields from
aircraft radar imaging to structural biology with the...
Quantum Jacobi forms and applications
Amanda Folsom
Quantum modular forms were defined in 2010 by Zagier; they are
somewhat analogous to ordinary modular forms, but they are defined
on the rational numbers Q as opposed to the upper half complex
plane H, and they transform in Q under the action of the...