Seminars Sorted by Series

Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Emerging Developments and Applications

Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures

Workshop on Localization and Lyapunov Exponents

Workshop on Machine Learning, Theory and Method in the Social Sciences

Workshop on Machine Learning, Theory and Method in the Social Sciences/Alternate

Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Non-linear PDE's

Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Spacetime aspects of mean curvature in general relativity
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: This will be an overview of spacetime aspects of mean curvature includingtrapped surfaces, marginally outer trapped surfaces, and the role that they playin the spacetime positive energy theorem and Penrose inequality. We willsurvey the...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Weyl Law for the phase transition spectrum and density of limit-interfaces
Marco Méndez Guaraco
11:30am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: The Allen-Cahn equation behaves as a desingularization of the area functional. This allows for a PDE approach to the construction of minimal hypersurfaces in closed Riemannian manifolds. After presenting and overview of the subject, I will...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Some minimal submanifolds generalizing the Clifford torus
Jaigyoung Choe
2:30pm|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: The Clifford torus is the simplest nontotally geodesic minimal surface in S^3. It is a product surface, it is helicoidal, and it is a solution obtained by separation of variables. We will show that there are more minimal submanifolds with...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Boundary regularity for area minimizing currents and a question of Almgren
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: Consider an area minimizing integral current $T$ which has a smooth boundary $\Gamma$ of multiplicity $1$ in some smooth Riemannian ambient manifold $\Sigma$. If the current has codimension $1$ a famous work of Hardt and Simon gives full...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Topological uniqueness of self-expanders of small entropy
11:30am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: In this talk we show that given any regular cone with entropy less than that of round cylinder, all smooth self-expanding solutions of the mean curvature flow that are asymptotic to the cone are in the same isotopy class. This is joint...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Progress on existence of minimal surfaces
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: I will survey the recent progress on the existence problem for minimal hypersurfaces and then point for some new directions. This is joint work with Fernando Marques.


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

A Plateau problem at infinity in H2xR
Magdalena Rodriguez
11:30am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: We give some existence and non-existence results for minimal annuli in H2xR whose data at infinity are given.


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Recent gluing constructions in Geometry and the gluing methodology
Nicos Kapouleas
4:00pm|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: I will first concentrate on doubling gluing constructions for minimal surfaces, including a recent construction for free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball (with D. Wiygul: arXiv:1711.00818). I will then discuss the Linearized...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Locating Minimal Surfaces in Geometrostatic Manifolds
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: In 1963 Brill and Lindquist asked where one might find the apparent horizons of charged black holes in geometrostatic manifolds that arise as time symmetric solutions to vacuum Einstein Maxwell constraint equations. These manifolds are...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Generic uniqueness of expanders with vanishing relative entropy
Felix Schulze
11:30am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: We define a relative entropy for two expanding solutions to mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces, asymptotic to the same smooth cone at infinity. Adapting work of White and using recent results of Bernstein and Bernstein-Wang, we show that...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

The embedded Calabi-Yau problem for minimal surfaces of finite genus
Joaquin Perez
2:30pm|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: We will explain how to prove properness of a complete embedded minimal surface in Euclidean three-space, provided that the surface has finite genus and countably many limit ends (and possibly compact boundary). This is joint work with...


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Free boundary minimal Möbius bands
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: We will discuss a new family of free boundary minimal Möbius bands in $B^4$ that are critical for higher Steklov eigenvalues among $S^1$-invariant metrics.


Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity

Progress in the theory of CMC surfaces in locally homgeneous 3-manifolds X
William Meeks
11:30am|Simonyi Hall 101

Abstract: I will go over some recent work that I have been involved in on surface geometry in complete locally homogeneous 3-manifolds X. In joint work with Mira, Perez and Ros, we have been able to finish a long term project related to the Hopf...

Workshop on Motives, Galois Representations and Cohomology around the Langlands Program


Workshop on Motives, Galois Representations and Cohomology around the Langlands Program

The mod $p$ derived spherical Hecke algebra: structure and applications
Niccolò Ronchetti

Abstract: I will introduce the mod p derived spherical Hecke algebra of a p-adic group, and discuss its structure via a derived version of the Satake homomorphism. Then, I will survey some speculations about its action on the cohomology of...