Seminars Sorted by Series

Workshop on Analytic Number Theory

Workshop on Chow groups, motives and derived categories

Workshop on Combinatorics of Enumerative Geometry


Workshop on Combinatorics of Enumerative Geometry

10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101

Combinatorics of Enumerative Geometry

Organizers: Paolo Aluffi, Dave Anderson, June Huh, and Leonardo Mihalcea


This workshop is dedicated to the exploration of the combinatorial dimensions of intersection theory and enumerative geometry, broadly...

Workshop on Complexity of Proofs and Computations

Workshop on Discrete Geometry and the Kepler Problem

Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

Hardy-Littlewood and Chowla Type Conjectures in the Presence of a Siegel Zero
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: We discuss some consequences of the existence of a Siegel zero for various questions relating to the distribution of the prime numbers, and in particular to conjectures of Hardy-Littlewood and Chowla type.  This is joint work with Joni...

Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

On Random Polynomials and Counting Number Fields: Fourier Analysis Meets Arithmetic Statistics
Theresa Anderson
2:00pm|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: Behaviors of objects of algebraic interest, such as polynomials, elliptic curves and number fields -- many of which are still unknown -- fall into the field of arithmetic statistics..  By bringing in Fourier analysis to interplay with a...


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

Arbitrarily Slow Decay in the Mobius Disjointness Conjecture
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: We construct examples showing that the correlation in the Mobius disjointness conjecture can go to zero arbitrarily slowly. In fact, our methods yield a more general result, where in lieu of μ(n) one can put any bounded sequence such that...


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

On a Conjecture of Veech About Möbius Orthogonality
Thierry de la Rue
11:15am|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: In unpublished lecture notes, William A. Veech considered the following potential property of the Möbius function:
"In any Furstenberg system of the Möbius function, the zero-coordinate is orthogonal to any function measurable with respect...


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

Thermodynamic Formalism for B-free Dynamical Systems
Joana Kulaga-Przymus
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: Given $B \subset N$, we consider the corresponding set $FB$ of $B$-free integers, i.e. $n \inFB i_ no b \in B$ divides $n$. We $de_{ne} X \eta_}$ the B-free subshift _ as the smallest subshift containing $\eta := 1FB \in {0, 1}Z$. Such...


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

Distribution of Orbits at Prime and Semi-prime Times
Adam Kanigowski
2:00pm|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: For a topological dynamical systems (T, X) and a fixed $x \in X$ we are interested in the distribution of prime and semi-prime orbits, i.e. ${T px}p='$ and ${T p1p2 x}p1,p2='$. We are interested in systems for which the related sequences...


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

Projection Theorems and Applications
3:30pm|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

Abstract: Given a fractal set E in $R^n$ and a set F in $Gr(k,n)$, can we find k-plane S in F such that the orthogonal projection of E onto S is large? 

We will survey some classical and recent projection theorems and discuss their applications. ...


Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory

Infinite Sumsets in Sets with Positive Density
10:00am|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

ABSTRACT: In the 1970’s Erdos asked several questions about what kind of infinite structures can be found in every set of natural numbers with positive density. In recent joint work with Kra, Richter and Robertson we proved that every such set A can...