Related Projects and Institutions

Links and descriptions.

Trismegistos Texts – Trismegistos Texts is the core of the Trismegistos project, a database providing URIs and information about papyri and inscriptions from the ancient world. A subscription is required for full access.

The Digital Collections of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens – This database holds records, information, and images pertaining to the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and its excavations and archives. Both excavations represented in the database, that at Corinth and that at the Athenian Agora, have provided squeezes to the IAS collection. It is Krateros policy to link to relevant entries in the ASCSA database. – is an international open community that works to gather and enhance the many existing epigraphic efforts, and serves as a landing point for digital tools, practices, and methodologies for managing collections of inscriptions. Krateros is a member project of Epigraphy.Info, as are many other epigraphic projects – their “Partners” page has an excellent set of links to those projects.

Digital Epigraphy Toolbox – This now-discontinued project developed a method for using two images of a squeeze/inscription to create a 3D rendering of that object. The University of Florida no longer hosts an active version of the developed software, but this link leads to a project overview with associated white paper.

Reflectance Transformation Imaging – Reflectance Transformation Imaging, or RTI for short, is another method for producing a digital 3D rendering of an object. Cultural Heritage Imaging have done much to develop and promote RTI, and this link will bring you to their description of the method.

Searchable Greek Inscriptions – The Packard Humanities Institute’s “Searchable Greek Inscriptions” site provides open access Greek texts for a vast majority of published Greek epigraphy. It is Krateros policy to link to relevant entries in PHI.

Attic Inscriptions Online – Attic Inscriptions Online is a resource structured around English translations of the inscriptions of ancient Athens and Attica. The core of the site comprises annotated English translations of Attic inscriptions. It is Krateros policy to link to relevant entries in AIO, and AIO provides links to online images of inscriptions, including Krateros images where extant.

Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies at The Ohio State University – The Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies at OSU, founded by Krateros Project Senior Research Associate and OSU Professor Emeritus Stephen Tracy in 1986, fosters the study of inscriptions and manuscripts and promotes research opportunities for those interested in these primary sources of information for the ancient and mediaeval world. The Center has a large squeeze collection which it is digitizing, and provided invaluable advice and insights to Krateros at its inception.

The E-STAMPAGES Program – The E-stampages (“stampage” is the French for “squeeze”) project has digitized the squeezes made by epigraphists of l'École française d'Athènes. Sites of particular importance include Thasos, Delphi, Delos, and Philippi.

The Sara B. Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy at the University of California, Berkeley – The Aleshire Center encourages and supports the research of UC Berkeley faculty and graduate students in ancient Greek inscriptions from all regions of the Mediterranean world. It has a collection of digitized squeezes that are openly available via the website.

From Stone to Screen – From Stone to Screen is a project to digitize the artifacts and squeezes in the collection of the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies of The University of British Columbia. For more on the project, check out their blog.

Squeezes at Cornell University – Cornell University Library hosts images of the squeezes collected during the Cornell Expedition to Asia Minor and the Assyro-Babylonian Orient (1907-1908).

Center for the Study of Ancient Documents at Oxford University – CSAD hosts projects of national and international significance in the fields of Greek and Roman epigraphy. At the core of the Centre’s holdings lies a rich archive of notebooks, drawings and photographs, and one of the world’s largest collections of squeezes - a unique resource for palaeographic enquiry - donated by some of the great figures in the field. It includes the squeeze collections of George Forrest, Peter Fraser and Susan Sherwin-White, as well as the archives of Sir Christopher Cox, Michael Ballance, Anne Jeffery and David Lewis.

Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Online – SEG systematically collects newly published Greek inscriptions as well as publications on previously known documents. It presents complete Greek texts of all new inscriptions with a critical apparatus; it summarizes new readings, interpretations, and studies of known inscriptions, and occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents. A subscription is required for full access.

Inscriptiones Graecae The Digitale Edition of the Inscriptiones Graecae provides texts, translations, and limited metadata for many of the inscriptions published in the series.  It is Krateros policy to link to relevant entries in IG.