Inserting worksheets in a snap

Do you normal go to the Insert menu and then select Worksheet in Excel 2003 to insert a new worksheet? If you use Excel 2007, do you click on the Home tab, then navigate to the Cells section and then click on Insert Sheet from the Insert icon drop-down options?

There is a much simpler way than going through all these steps. To quickly add a new blank worksheet in Excel, simply press [Shift] + [F11].
If you need to add several worksheets at a time, hold down the [Shift] key, click on the same number of existing worksheet tabs as new worksheets you want to add to the workbook then press the [F11] key. For example, if you want to add three new worksheets at once, while holding down the [Shift] key, left-click on the existing worksheets (e.g. Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3), then press the [F11] key and then release the [Shift] key.


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