How Richard Feynman Convinced the Naysayers 60 Years Ago that Gravitational Waves Are Real
Confronted with a theoretical question, such as whether or not gravitational waves exist, Richard Feynman never trusted authorities. Rather, he tried to develop and convince himself of a solution in the simplest way possible, constructing an argument from first principles. Once he managed to build a case for a particular point of view in his own mind, he felt equipped to persuade others.
Read more about Feynman's pursuit to prove the existence of Einstein's gravitational waves, aided by Institute Members Cecile DeWitt-Morette (1948–50), Bryce Seligman Dewitt (1949–50, 1954, 1964, 1966), Joseph Weber (1955, 1962–63, 1969–70), and John Achibald Wheeler (1937).