Edward Nelson, Member in the Schools of Mathematics (1956–59,
79–80) and Natural Sciences (1963–64, 67–68, 73–74) and Professor
of Mathematics at Princeton University until his death in 2014, was
an original thinker best known for successfully...
From the data, you have this remnant of a real object that you want to resurrect. Before you can start to do that, the first thing you need to know is, is it really coming from such and such an object? Are there some good tests or signatures for that?
On November 14, the Institute for Advanced Study announced
the appointment of Robbert Dijkgraaf as its ninth Director,
succeeding, as of July 1, 2012, Peter Goddard, who has served as
Director since January 2004.
My father Alladi Ramakrishnan (1923–2008), who made significant
contributions to stochastic processes, elementary particle physics,
matrix algebra, and the special theory of relativity, passed away
at my home in Gainesville, Florida, last June, at...