In 2020–21, Allen Yuan,
Visitor in the School of Mathematics and a recent graduate from
MIT, is studying problems in homotopy theory and algebraic
How do you describe your work to friends and family?
Edward Nelson, Member in the Schools of Mathematics (1956–59,
79–80) and Natural Sciences (1963–64, 67–68, 73–74) and Professor
of Mathematics at Princeton University until his death in 2014, was
an original thinker best known for successfully...
Does beauty exist in mathematics? The question concerns
mathematical objects and their relations, the real subject of
verifiable proofs. Mathematicians generally agree that beauty does
exist in the structural beauty of theorems and proofs, even
The fundamental lemma has been described as a gross understatement. Says Andrew Wiles, a Visitor in the School of Mathematics and an Institute Trustee, “At first, it was thought to be a minor irritant, but it subsequently became clear that it was not a lemma but rather a central problem in the field.”
It has been said that the goals of modern mathematics are
reconstruction and development.1 The unifying conjectures between
number theory and representation theory that Robert Langlands,
Professor Emeritus in the School of Mathematics, articulated...