Irving Lavin, Professor Emeritus
in the School of Historical Studies, has authored Caravaggio e
La Tour.La Luce Occulta di Dio (Donzelli Editore,
Rome, 2000), a volume dedicated to painting, which offers a
brilliant contribution on the art of two...
A Philosopher's Story (Penn State University Press,
1999) by Morton White, Professor Emeritus in the School of
Historical Studies, is a memoir that captures White's interactions
with other leading thinkers and experiences at major institutions
One of the main philosophical puzzles is the question of free
will: what is it? do we have it? how do we know we have it?
The Question of Free Will: A Holistic View
(Princeton University Press, 1994) by Morton White, Professor Emeritus in the
Science and Sentiment in America: Philosophical Thought from
Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey (Oxford University Press,
1972), by Morton White, Professor Emeritus in the School of
Historical Studies, is a study of American philosophy from
Foundations of Historical Knowledge (Harper & Row,
1965) by Morton White,
Professor Emeritus in the School of Historical Studies, is an
examination of the covering law (CL) theory of objective historical
explanation, a concept criticized by both...
The Intellectual Versus the City: From Thomas Jefferson to
Frank Lloyd Wright (Harvard University Press, 1962), by Morton
White, Professor Emeritus in the School of Historical Studies, and
Lucia Perry White, is an examination of anti-urbanism in...
Toward Reunion in Philosophy (Harvard University Press,
1956) by Morton White, Professor Emeritus in the School of
Historical Studies, is a critical evaluation of issues in ontology,
epistemology, and ethics. In this examiniation of three...
Social Thought in America: The Revolt Against Formalism
(Viking, 1949), by Morton White, Professor Emeritus in the School
of Historical Studies, is a classic text of American intellectual
history, which assesses the work of John Dewey, Thorstein...